As we all know (to those who don't, just pretend you do), Nott Games is just around the corner ( and if you still don't know what Nott Games is, please click the title, it wil lead you to Nott Games official blogspot. thank you very much.). To those who are interested in participating then the later paragraphs should tell you the basics.
that's a bad jpeg format of the events organised. i know. hee. click the image for a better view. OR BETTER YET please, PLEASE check out and download the registration fees for further information.
Don't worry about the registration forms. All you have to do is decide on an event and form your own teams, and then email it to Benjamin at and he will fill the registration forms for you. You can also reach to him thru his hp 07515368387. You should contact him to register, for any inquiries and also to pay the registration fees for whatever event you decided on.
i'm tired. =(
Mahirah,you're very very cuteeeee!!
homaigat. topic derailer :O hahaha.
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