Sunday 6 May 2007

Faces of Essex Uni

What's the student body like at Essex Uni?

If I had to sum it up in just one word - amazing.

I don't know about most people, but I'm an absolute sucker for close-knit communities. Because the student population here is small compared to other institutions, this makes it relatively easier to get to know the people around you. Be it bumping into them in any of the Squares by chance, or while attending socials at Level 2/Mondo's/SubZero, there's always an opportunity to make random new friends.

And the best part about it, personally, is that they're from all over the world. We're impossibly diverse in makeup, yet at the same time we're also a very integrated bunch. I somehow believe that this is what makes Essex Uni unique. Being part of a student body like this sort of grants you a feeling of security, and more importantly, of belonging.

Yeah, I guess that's what makes our Uni amazing - it makes you feel like you belong.


El Presidente (Markus) and his best mate (Joao)

Our Secretary (Bee Nee) with our VP (Wan).

More visuals of Uni and Uni life coming in the next few posts, and to the rest of the MSoc members, if you guys feel like adding to the list of snaps, please do! :)


Beans said...

Great post neens, very colourful =D

yy_alvin87 said...

Nice effort..haha..

Anonymous said...

i was going through the pics chanting "please let not I be there" then boom! right at the bottom! i look like a prat!

actually, not that bad.

is it just me or none of the pictures show us actually studying?

full points for honesty!

Neens said...

Thank you :) TBH uploading pictures on Blogger is much faster than it is on Xanga. Might consider a move . . .

And Wan, be honest man - you were hoping for a million pictures of yourself kan? You were lucky I was kind, initially I wanted to post up the one where you were pulling your caveman pose next to Bee Nee.
Nyehehe :P

Also, now that I think of it - I don't have a single picture of anyone studying :\

Beans said...

Ooo the caveman pic.. now that would be honesty!

Anonymous said...

[insult detected]

cries. woo.